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Pumpkin sabzi

a simple one

by: Divya of Valsad, IN

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11/24/2011 7:16 AM by jean chaurasia

This exactly how it is made in the North. Thank you, as I'd forgotten how to make this.


8/15/2011 11:41 AM by Mayask

Hi ! Divya .... Healthy recipe . Thank U . Pumpkin is a store house of many Anti- oxidant vitamins such as Vitamin A , C , K and E . Rich source of Minerals like Copper , Calcium , Potassium and Phosphorus . Low in calories and rich in Dietary fiber . Pumpkin is an Excellent brain tonic , Enhances memory , Boosts Immunity , Regulates Cholesterol . Promotes overall Prostate health , Promotes healthy skin , Prevents Constipation , Helps in weight loss etc .


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